Friday, July 13, 2007


Yesterday Katrina and I went Swimming. The water was really cold the day before so we put the tarp over it and waited, it took a long time for the pool to heat up but Katrina and I finally got to swim. Trina and I had a blast. Trina worked on floating and in the end finally got up to 60 seconds. Amanda came out and saw us swimming so she went in her bedroom got a swimsuit and came out to mom and dad to see if they could help her get in the pool. I told Amanda that I would help her but then mom and dad explained that if she fell in the water she would not know to stand up. After a while we got out and got on the swings and talked and then after a while I went in the house and said "is Amanda ever going to swim" they said yes dad was just getting his swimsuit on. So after a little while dad came out with Amanda and Katrina and I got back in. Dad played with us and lifted us up out of the water. He would lift us out of the water and either hold us or put us on his back. then he would count to 10 and he would drop into the water, it was really fun. Near the end he would move the water in a circle and we would march with him. When we would stop the water would keep on going so if you were kneeling it would pull you. It would stop and Trina and I played fetching the rag from the bottom of the pool. Then we would start again but this time dad wasn't marching he was pushing the water and when we got to where he was pushing the water he would push us. Trina got out and then in and out and in, and every time she would jump in from the slide that dad had pushed next to the pool so it would be easier to get in the water. Then when it was time to get out dad put Amanda on the slide and she slid down and I got on the swings for the second time and dad and Amanda went inside. When we came in we found out we had gotten sunburned and it hurt so mom put Aloe Vera lotion and it got much better overnight but it still hurts some when you scratch certain places. We had a very fun day!!! And today we can't go swimming because of our sunburns. But we are going to go shopping for new school clothes so it will still be a fun day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Simming Lessons

On Monday I started swimming lessons, and we're learning a bunch of stuff that's kind of difficult. But once you learn it, it's actually pretty fun. Today we learned sit dive, and I usually can't do standing dive. We do things like just swimming laps, freestyle, back stroke, making a ball go to one side three times, and doing somersaults in the water. I still can't do somersaults, but I'm getting better. My teacher's name is Ms. Amanda; I don't know if there's two teachers or if one's a helper or what, but the other one's name is Steven. That's all I heard---just Steven. I mean, I don't call him that; usually I do things with Ms. Amanda but when she's going across the pool watching the kids, he's at the other end, and since I'm usually ahead of the class I'm out of breath and he just tells me to take a breather and it really calms me down. And sometimes when I head back to the other end of the pool, once I've done one half, then I feel like I haven't caught enough breath. But before I take off it feels like enough, but then I get real tired. Ms. Amanda does work us really hard; I think it's just for the benefit of learning how to swim.

On the first day of swimming lessons, we started as a polywog, and then I got moved up to Guppy. And ahead of me there's minnow, fish, flying fish, shark, and porpoise. I think I'm not going to get very far because already guppy is pretty hard. I think it's just hard because I wasn't really swimming as far as the YMCA's pool is, and also when I got tired I flip over on my back to calm myslef; but at the YMCA we do back stroke instead of floating. I hope I get better. Ms. Amanda thinks I need to work on not getting so tired, but I love being in cold water. She was impressed at how I could jump off the ledge and said that that was much harder than doing sit dive when I was trying to do it.